
Documentation for theme version 1.0.0 or greater

Post Create

dt_create_post_check_proceed filter Extra permission check before the fields are processed Parameters 2: bool continue, array $fields

dt_post_create_fields filter Add, remove or modify fields before the fields are processed. Parameters 2: array $fields, string $post_type

dt_post_create_allow_fields filter Add extra field keys that are allowed. The API will reject requests with fields that are not declared or allowed Parameters 2: array $field_keys, string $post_type

post created fields processed

dt_post_created action Runs after post is created and fields are processed Parameters 3: string $post_type, int $post_id, array $initial_request_fields

Update Post

dt_post_update_fields filter Add, remove or modify fields before the fields are processed. Parameters 4: array $fields, string $post_type, int $post_id, array $existing_post

dt_post_create_allow_fields filter Add extra field keys that are allowed. The API will reject requests with fields that are not declared or allowed Parameters 2: array $field_keys, string $post_type

fields processed

dt_post_updated action Runs after fields are processed Parameters 5: string $post_type, int post_id, array $initial_request_fields, array $post_fields_before_update, array $post_fields_after_update

Get Post

dt_after_get_post_fields_filter filter Add, modify or remove fields from the response Parameters 2: array $fields, string $post_type

Delete Post

dt_before_post_deleted action Runs before a post is deleted, allowing you to inspect the post before it's deleted. Parameters 2: string $post_type, int $post_id

dt_post_deleted action Runs after post is deleted. Parameters 3: string $post_type, int $post_id, string $post_title

List Post

dt_search_viewable_posts_query filter Add or remove query parameters Parameters 1: array $query_fields

dt_adjust_post_custom_fields filter Runs an each post in the query result. Add, remove, or modify the post fields Parameters 2: array $fields, string $post_type

dt_list_posts_custom_fields filter Modify the response before the list of posts is returned. Parameters 2: array $request_response, string $post_type


dt_comment_created Action Runs after a comment is created Parameters 4: string $post_type, int $post_id, int $created_comment_id, string $comment_type

dt_filter_post_comments Filter Modify the response before the list of comments is returned. Parameters 3: array $request_body, sting $post_type, int $post_id

Last updated

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