You need tell that you want to track something new. Fields are defined in the theme’s custom post type file. And we give you a way to add to that list using the dt_custom_fields_settings filter.
Here is an example on how to add a spoken language field on the contact:
add_filter( "dt_custom_fields_settings", "dt_contact_fields", 1, 2 );
function dt_contact_fields( array $fields, string $post_type = ""){
//check if we are dealing with a contact
if ($post_type === "contacts"){
//check if the language field is already set
if ( !isset( $fields["language"] )){
//define the language field
$fields["language"] = [
"name" => __( "Spoken Language", "disciple_tools_language" ),
"type" => "key_select",
"default" => [
"english" => __( "English", "disciple_tools_language" ),
"french" => __( "French", "disciple_tools_language" )
"tile" => "contact_language"
//don't forget to return the update fields array
return $fields;